Tuesday, January 31, 2012

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero

Lowongan Pekerjaan PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk.


- Pendidikan S1:

-Teknik Sipil
-Teknik Arsitektur
-Teknik Elektro
-Teknik Mesin
-Teknik Kimia
-Teknik Industri

- IPK Minimal 2.75
- Jenis kelamin Laki-laki
- Usia maksimal 27 tahun
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan (Score TOEFL min. 500)
- Menguasai aplikasi software komputer di bidangnya


- Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
- IPK Minimal 2.75
- Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
- Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di Kantor Akuntan Publik ternama
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan (Score TOEFL min. 500)
- Menguasai aplikasi software komputer di bidangnya
- Memiliki networking luas dengan berbagai lembaga keuangan
- Diutamakan memiliki pemahaman mengenai International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)


- Pendidikan minimal S1 Hukum
- IPK minimal 3.00
- Lebih diutamakan laki-laki
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam :

- Menangani structuring transaction di bidang investasi infrastruktur, transaksi perbankan dan pasar modal, merger dan akuisisi, kerja sama operasi di Luar Negeri;
- Litigasi di Pengadilan Umum, Peradilan Hubungan Industrial, Pengadilan Niaga dan Arbitrase

- Berbahasa Inggris aktif (lisan & tulisan) dan berbahasa Asing lainnya secara pasif (Score TOEFL min. 550)
- Memiliki networking di instansi-instansi terkait
- Mempunyai izin Advokat


- Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
- S1 Manajemen Keuangan/Akuntansi, S2 diutamakan
- IPK minimal 2.75
- Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun bidang Investor Relation, Securitas atau Lembaga Keuangan Lainnya
- Aktif berbahasa Inggris (Score TOEFL min. 500)
- Diutamakan memiliki Sertifikat Analis Keuangan (Certified Financial Analyst – CFA)


- Pendidikan minimal S1 : Teknik Sipil, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin
- IPK minimal 2.75
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di proyek-proyek high rise building, infrastruktur dan power plant, diutamakan di bidang produksi / konstruksi
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris, lisan maupun tulisan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh area kerja perusahaan


- Pendidikan minimal S1 : Teknik Sipil, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Fisika
- IPK minimal 2.75
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di bidang enjiniring, khususnya menangani analisa proyek-proyek high rise building dan atau power plant
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris, lisan maupun tulisan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh area kerja perusahaan


- Pendidikan minimal S1 Pajak / Administrasi Fiskal
- IPK Minimal 2.75
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pengalaman di bidang perpajakan minimal 5 tahun, diutamakan di industri EPC & Investasi
- Memahami peraturan dan bentuk-bentuk pelaporan perpajakan
- Diutamakan memiliki sertifikat Brevet
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris, lisan maupun tulisan


- S1 Teknik Mesin
- IPK minimal 2.75
- Usia maksimal 35, diutamakan laki-laki
- Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun menangani aktivitas Quality Control di perusahaan oil & gas/industri petrokimia
- Memiliki sertifikat Welding Inspector dan NDT (Non Destructive Test) Level 2
- Familiar dengan kode dan standar internasional untuk bidang oil & gas
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris, lisan maupun tulisan


- S1 Teknik, diutamakan jurusan terkait SHE / K3
- IPK minimal 2.75
- Usia maksimal 35, diutamakan laki-laki
- Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di bidang SHE/K3 di perusahaan oil & gas/industri petrokimia
- Familiar dengan standar industri oil & gas, diantaranya : MIGAS, SII, API, NFPA, ANSI dan standar nasional maupun internasional lainnya
- Memiliki kemampuan memadai dalam Sistem Manajemen QSHE, penyusunan rencana QSHE dan keselamatan operasional produksi oil & gas
- Familiar dengan sistem ISRS, konsep analisa dan penanganan bahaya serta teknik investigasi kasus-kasus kecelakaan kerja
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris, lisan maupun tulisan
- Diutamakan kandidat dengan pengalaman di area safety process

Surat lamaran, CV & Foto terbaru dikirimkan melalui email ke :


dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan pada subjek email.
Berkas lamaran kami terima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 29 Februari 2012

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang berlokasi di Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Gedung 70, Setu – Tangerang Selatan, Banten menawarkan kesempatan berkarir bagi kandidat muda yang dinamis dan profesional untuk mengisi posisi :


1. Laki-laki

2. Lulusan D3 (Fresh Graduate Welcome)

3. Mengerti Pemasaran dan Promosi

4. Mempunyai kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik

5. Komunikatif

6. Mampu menangani keluhan pelanggan

7. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (Word, Excel dll.)

8. Diutamakan bisa menggunakan Mobil atau motor

9. Memiliki SIM A atau SIM C

Bagi yang berminat, dapat mengirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap ke:

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)

Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gedung 70, Setu – Tangerang Selatan 15314

PO BOX 343 Ciputat 15400

Paling lambat surat lamaran kami terima tanggal 20 Febuari 2012


Vacancy for various positions

We are Mining Company and Services which has been rapidly growing in the last few years, located in South Jakarta and Mine location at East Kalimantan. DEWATA has a vision to be a place for nation's best people to contribute their ultimate performance for the country. Due to achieve our dreams, we are seeking high qualified candidates to join our dynamic working environment. If you are a motivated and high achiever person, should you come and join us to be:

HSE - Officer
* Bachelor degree on Geology / Mining from reputable University
* Age maximum 30 years old
* At least 3 years in relevant experience at Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE), preferable at mining  area
* Having strong ability to utilize MS Office Software (MS Word, Excel & PowerPoint), preferable Corel Draw
* Fluent written and spoken English
*  Trained and certified HSE/K3 is an advantage
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Good communication skill to convince and lead people
Fuel man Supervisor
·         Male, age max 35 th
·         Having minimum 3 years experience at Mining area
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )  from reputable university
* Willing to be placed at Kalimantan Timur (Sangasanga/Muara Kaman)
* Strong personality, leadership and communication
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Inventory storage fuel at Site
* Activity improvement and CRP
* Understanding Safety (K3)
* Controlling and help Foreman - Operator in doing their jobs
* Male/female
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )  from reputable university
* Age maxs 35 th
*  Having minimum 1year experience in exploration and mining industry

*   Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

*   Hands on operating MAP Info and AUTOCAD

*   Understanding safety procedure (K3)

* Able to work  under pressure

*   Willing to be placed at Kalimantan Timur (sanga sanga/Muara Kaman)
* Male/female
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )
* Having minimum 1 year experience at mining industry
* GPA Min. 2,75
*   Understanding safety procedure (K3
* Fresh Graduates may also apply
* English (written and spoken) min passive
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )
* Male/female, age max 40
* Having minimum 3 years of working experience as " Kepala Teknik Tambang "/Site Manager at mining area
* Having certificate POU ( SERTIFIKAT KTT )
*  Having good understanding of mining operations
* Good knowledge about spare part/heavy equipments
*   Understanding safety procedure (K3)
* Fluent written and spoken English
* Strong personality, leadership and communication
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Able to make monthly report (triwulan, RKAB/RKTTL)
* Willing to be placed at Kalimantan Timur (sangasanga/Muara Kaman)
·         Bachelor Degree of LAW, from reputable university
·         GPA minimum 2,75
·         Minimum experience 2 years from the same field
·         Preferably MALE, age between 25 - 35 years
·         Having good Integrity, Creative and Innovative
·         Self Driven, able to work with team, good communication skills
·         Willing to be located in Samarinda with rooster system

·       Bachelor Degree of LAW, from reputable university
·       Having minimum 3 years of working experience as Legal Manager at Mining area or in law firm
·       Male/female min 30 th
·       Expertise at civil law, Business law and Mining law
·       Fluent written and spoken English
·       Strong personality, leadership and communication
·       Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
·        Good knowledge of corporate law, including law documents preparation, litigation, employment regulation, contract regulation, etc.
·       Have experiences to reviewing and providing advice on various legal documentations and contracts
·         Bachelor Degree of forestry/environmental engineering from reputable university
* Preferably having certificate POP
* Having experience min 2 years at same position (Environmental management)
* Knowing and understanding government regulation about Environmental management related to mining industry
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Able to perform identification and give recommendation in case contamination happened
* Accustomed to reporting and work planning a systematic remedy internal and external documentation
* Willing to be located in Kalimantan Timur (sangasanga/Muara Kaman) with rooster cycle

Finance & Accounting Staff
·         Male, age max. 25 years old
* Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable University, fresh graduate are welcome
* Have related working experience min. 2 years (in mining company would be advantages)
* Have knowledge in General Accounting such as Account Receivable/ Account Payable/ General Ledger/ Tax
* Computer literate (Ms. Word, Excel, computerized accounting system)
* Accurate, details, responsible, disciplined and able to work under pressure
Admin Finance
* Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable University, fresh graduate are welcome
* Male, age max. 30 years old

* Have related working experience min. 2 years
* Have good knowledge in Accounting flow
* Expert in Ms. Office program (Word, Excel) and accounting system
* Accurate, details, responsible, disciplined and able to work under pressure
Industrial Relation & General Affair Manager
* S1, Preferable from Law, Certified HR Professional
* 10 years at Human resources R, 3 years structural positions
* Understanding of Labour Law
* Knowledge Industrial Dispute & Government Regulation
* In depth knowledge of company personal policies and procedure and related employment law
* Knowledge asset management
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Building Positive Working relationship, Communication Skills, Negotiation Skills
People Development Specialist

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
* Required skill(s): hands on delivering Training Need Analysis - Training Plan - Training Program and Training Evaluation, Talent Management, Knowledge Management, Competency Gap Analysis.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.

Project Civil Manager
·         Male, age max. 35 years old
* Bachelor degree in Technical Civil or Architecture from reputable University
* Have related working experience min. 7 years (design, building project, etc)
* Have expertise in housing (site plan, drainage, etc)
* Good leadership, responsible, disciplined and able to work under pressure
* Willing to be located in Kalimantan Timur (sangasanga/Muara Kaman) with rooster cycle 
Please send your complete resume and recent photograph to ira@dewata.co.id  February 8th 2012 by the latest. Please put position applied as an email subject.




Nomor : 235/UN23.4.FKIK/KP.00.05/2012

Diberitahukan kepada seluruh lapisan Masyarakat yang memiliki kapabilitas dalam bidang pendidik bahwa untuk memenuhi kekurangan tenaga pendidik / Dosen Tutor di lingkungan FKIK Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, maka kami memberi kesempatan kepada saudara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga tersebut dengan kualifikasi dan kompetensi sebagai berikut :

A. Persyaratan Umum
1.Beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa;
2.Warga Negara Indonesia;
3.Berkepribadian baik, sopan dan bisa berbahasa indonesia dengan baik;
4.Sehat jasmani dan rohani dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dokter;
5.Memiliki integritas, kompetensi dan kreatifitas yang tinggi;
6.Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman dibidang kompetensinya;
7.Bersedia mengikuti seluruh proses seleksi.

B. Persyaratan Khusus

Persyaratan khusus dan jumlah kebutuhan dapat dilihat pada lampiran pengumuman ini

C. Pendaftaran
1.Waktu pendaftaran: tanggal 25 s.d 31 Januari 2012
2.Lamaran dikirim e-mail : HRDFKIK@yahoo.co.id
3.Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dipanggil melalui e-mail paling lambat tanggal 1 s.d 3 Pebruari 2012, dengan menyerahkan dokumen / berkas pendaftaran kepada panitia pada jam kerja ( 08.00 s.d 16.00 WIB ) di Subbag Kepegawaian FKIK Unsoed ( Dekanat FKIK Unsoed )

D. Tes Akademik, Psikotes dan Uji kompetensi

Akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 dan 7 Pebruari 2012

Tempat : Gedung Dekanat FKIK Unsoed ( Jl. Dr. Gumbreg no. 1 Berkoh - Purwokerto )

Atas perhatiannya diucapkan terimakasih

Purwokerto, Januari 2012


Ketua panitia


Nomor 235/UN23.4.FKIK/KP.00.05/2012


Nama Jabatan

Jumlah yang Dibutuhkan



Persyaratan Khusus

A.Jabatan Pendidikan (Dosen)





S1( Profesi ) Kedokteran Umum

S1 PTN Akreditasi Min. B atau PTS dengan Akreditasi A, Maks. 28 tahun, IPK Min. 3,0. Diutamakan telah mendapat rekomendasi dari Lab. masing-masing.

S2 Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar

S2 Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, IPK Min. 3,25, Maks. 32 tahun. Diutamakan telah mendapat rekomendasi dari Lab. masing-masing.



Obstetri & Ginekologi




IPK Min. 3,0, Usia Maks. 32 tahun


S1 (Profesi)

Dokter Gigi

IPK Min. 3,0, Usia Maks. 32 tahun



Promosi Kesehatan

S1 Kesmas PTN Akreditasi Min.B atau PTS dengan Akreditasi A, Usia Maks 32 tahun




S1 Kesmas PTN Akreditasi Min.B atau PTS dengan Akreditasi A, Usia Maks 32 tahun




S1 Sarjana Gizi ( S. Gz )

S1 Kesmas PTN Akreditasi Min.B atau PTS dengan Akreditasi A, Usia Maks 32 tahun


S1 (Profesi)


Usia Maks. 32 tahun



Manajemen Keperawatan

Usia Maks. 32 tahun



Gerontologi Keperawatan

Usia Maks. 32 tahun



Keperawatan Medical Bedah

Usia Maks. 32 tahun

Purwokerto, Januari 2012


Ketua Panitia


Needed IT Analyst for Foreign Leasing Company

Currently our client, an Foreign Leasing Company, established since 1995,
looking for a highly competent candidate to join their team as ;

* *


* *

*The position is to be based in Jakarta, with the job description ;*

[image: *]      Develop operational system enhancement in order to
accelerated and supported operational activities.**

[image: *]      Propose credit management system development plan to
accomplish corporate objective. **

[image: *]      Review and implement all credit and financial
administration as well as IT/IS system procedures.**

[image: *]      Status Permanent Employe*e*

[image: *]      Range Salary 10 – 15 million  **

* *

There are many benefits and advantage in *joining* with our client. **

The right candidate will be rewarded with good remuneration package and
opportunities to grow. Please submit a complete CV along with recent color
photo, subject to position applied  to below address:


*All applications will be treated with Strict Confidential.*

*Please note only short listed candidates will be notified afterwards.*

Dosen Manajemen Pemasaran + 34 new jobs - Job Alert from JobStreet.com

Your Latest Job Matches on 29 January 2012
English Teacher for Children (age : 3 - 8 years old)
Innovative Learning Center
Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur)Job Code: EMPRDP
English Teacher for Teenagers (age : 8 - 17 years old)
Innovative Learning Center
Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur)Job Code: EMPRDT
Staf Teacher (part time/full time) Kode : ST
CV Langit Biru (Primagama QuantumKids (Jawa TImur))
Jawa TimurJob Code: EMPZPTP
Robotics Instructor
Company Confidential
Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan, Kalimantan ...Skills: able to communicate with all level of people, auto cad, Able To Teach
Job Code: EMZHS
Product Promotor
PT East West Seed Indonesia
Kalimantan Timur - Sumatera, Kalimantan, ...Job Code: EMPZMGV
Plant Breeder Assistant (Breeding C)
PT East West Seed Indonesia
Purwakarta (Jawa Barat)Job Code: EMPZMZG
Dosen Manajemen Pemasaran
Politeknik ubaya
Jawa TimurJob Code: EMPZZMT
Category Analyst
PT Kao Indonesia
Jakarta RayaJob Code: EMZSTV
Product Enterpreneur
Sinarmas Pulp and Paper Products
Jakarta RayaJob Code: EMZMXA
Staff Pengajar Aritmatika Sempoa
Peter Bimbingan Belajar (Malang)
Jawa Timur - MalangJob Code: EMZSPD
Staff Pengajar SD
Peter Bimbingan Belajar (Malang)
Jawa Timur - MalangJob Code: EMZSJM
Customer Service Executive
Gemalto Pte Ltd
Jakarta RayaJob Code: CGZZAVTM
In House Model
Jakarta Utara (Jakarta Raya)Job Code: EMPZTZT
Staff Marketing Field (CODE : MRKT)
PT Imora Motor ( Honda Jakarta Center )
Bekasi (Jawa Barat), Bogor (Jawa Barat), ...Job Code: EMZOPJ
PT Autotech Abadi
Jakarta RayaJob Code: EMPPVPT
Marketing Support
PT Parama Rekamatra
Jakarta RayaJob Code: EMPZAPJ
Marketing Support
PT Academia Education & Training
Jakarta RayaJob Code: EMZMMZD
Marketing Staff
PT Binex Logistics
Jakarta RayaJob Code: EMZGZJW
Funding Officer
Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi
Kudus (Jawa Tengah)Job Code: EMZYVT
PT Tica Daiwa Indonesia
Tangerang (Banten) - Kosambi / DadapJob Code: EMPZTVD
Sales / Marketing
Company Confidential
Tangerang (Banten) - KosambiJob Code: EMZGZMT
Sales Executive
PT MDV Indonesia
Tangerang (Banten) - Kosambi / DadapJob Code: EMZMAMW
Business Development
PT Garda Bhakti Nusantara
Jakarta Barat (Jakarta Raya)Job Code: EMPJJR
PT Glenn Doman Indonesia
Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya)Job Code: EMPPTDM
Marketing Communication (MK-QW)
PT Qwords Company International (Bandung)
Bandung (Jawa Barat)Job Code: EMZYPM
Laboratory Information Services (LIS Marketing)
Laboratorium Klinik Prodia (PT Prodia Widyahusada)
Bekasi (Jawa Barat), Bogor (Jawa Barat), ...Job Code: EMZMMPV


rapidly expanding international Oil & Gas company. Together with our
other associated companies, we are operators of the Palmerah,
Budong-Budong and Lhokseumawe Production Sharing Contracts. We are as
wet partners in four non operated PSCs.

Due to our expanding operations in Mamuju, West Sulawesi, and
Lhokseumawe, Aceh. we are immediately seeking a highly motivated and
skilled individual to fit the positions of :


Reporting to Operations Manager, this position will be responsible for
the plans, designs and estimates time and cost oversees construction
and maintenance of structures, facilities, systems and components.
Develops and applies engineering standards and procedures arid
provides strategic advice on construction and contracting management.

Key job Responsibilities :
• Develops strategies, contracts and responsible for construction
activities in onshore and offshore PSCs,
• Manages an engineering staff (internal or external) in designing
civil construction and preparation of contracts.
• Manages onsite construction supervisors whom are responsible for
construction activities and maintenance of roads & locations.
• Contract Preparation and contractor management:
- Prepare contact strategies for execution of efficient civil
construction activities.
- Prequalify contractors arid preparing scope of work for construction
works/ maintenances.
- Evaluate and award contracts.
- Manage contractors during execution of construction and maintenance
activities to ensure contract compliance.
• Sets engineering standards for construction and ensure safe
construction activities comply with same.
• Sets safety standards and implement same to ensure safe accident
free operations.
• Measures completion progress of work vs. plan. Oversees contractor
performance end prepare daily progress reports.

Requirements :
• Minimum technical / bachelor degree in the appropriate discipline.
• A minimum 10 years of industry experience in design and construction
management of major multi-disciplined works including civil /
structural engineering, infrastructure and building works of oil & gas
drifting facilities.
• Knowledge of contract law and experience of managing contractual
disputes & arbitration issue is a plus
• Extensive knowledge and experience in risk & project management.
industries engineering standards, quality control, health, safely &
environmental awareness.
• Good communication and report writing skills and ability to
supervise contractor workforce

Above positions require good communication and interpersonal skits,
have previously experience in working hand-in-hand collaboratively
with expatriates in both an office environment and on site locations.

Please send your comprehensive CV (in English) no later than 4th
February 2012 to:

Plaza Bapindo, Menara Mandiri, 21st Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 54-55, Jakarta 12190
Ore-mail us at: recruitment@tately.co.id
(quoting "CM" on the subject of your e-mail).

PT Elnusa Tbk - Vacant Positions

PT Elnusa Tbk, a national pride world class company for total solution
in Upstream Oil and Gas Services (see: www.elnusa.co.id) seeking for
highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:

1. General Manager of Administration & Support (Code: GM Adm & Support)
2. Section Head of Reservoir Testing Services (Code: RTS)
3. Section Head of Maintenance (Code: MTC)
4. Section Head of Sales Account (Code: SA)
5. Section Head of QHSE (Code: QHSE)
6. Chief Mechanic (Code: CM)
7. HSE Officer (Code: HSE)
8. Business Analyst (Code: BA)

• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelors Degree in Finance /
Accounting / Banking, Business Studies / Administration / Management,
Economics or equivalent (No.1), Technical Engineering or equivalent
(No.2, 3, 4, 5), Diploma Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent
(No.6), Diploma Engineering (Environmental / Health / Safety) or
equivalent (No.7), Master Degree in Finance / Accounting / Management
• Having knowledge & Experience n oil & gas industries mm 5 years at
the same related area or position (No:1), 3 years (No: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
8), 2 years (No.7).
• Having knowledge of Marketing, Integrated Project Management and
Drilling / Workover Rig Operation (No.3)
• Having competency of analysis, problem solving & decision making.
• Good in English & computer literate

Please submit your application with a comprehensive resume & a recent
photograph max 150KB into this email address: recruitment@elnusa.co.id

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further selection process

CSR Program Specialist at ConocoPhillips

CSR Program Specialist

The basic purpose is to manage the company s community development
programs based on preliminary assessment of the local community s
needs. He/she will be responsible for managing the whole program which
includes; program designing and development, budgeting, monitoring and
evaluation. He/she must be able to analyze and make recommendations on
the effectiveness of the program from the impact to the community and
internal business objectives.


• Possess a University degree, major in Social Sciences (preferably in
Marine Sciences or Anthropology) or Management.
• 3-5 years of hands-on experience in the field of Corporate Social
Responsibility, having shown experience in several different functions
related to community development including program management skills.
• Good command of English language (spoken & written).
• Excellent analytical skills.
• Pleasant personality with strong communication and interpersonal skills.
• Demonstrate strong leadership along with negotiation problem solving
and conflict resolution skills.
• Excellent computer skills (MS Office).
• Able to sustain excellent work performance in high pressure
situation and work under minimum supervision.
• Ability to travel to field or even remote locations.
• Demonstrate good teamwork.and have strong networking with other
social based Institutions.

Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply.

To apply please visit: JobsDB.com not later than two weeks after the
publication of this advertisement.

Urgently Required for Project: ELECTRICAL ENGINEER --- PT Antam Tbk

Urgently Required

PT Antam Tbk is stated-owned company, has main business in mining and precious metal processing plant. Due to our Fero-Nickel plant expansion, additional power plant, and other facilities, we need anElectrical Engineer as our asset to be placed at one of our Project Development Department.

Electrical Engineer

1.Provide technical assistance during tender process related to technical bid evaluation for electrical discipline
2.Provide technical assistance to construction and/or project team during implementation of modifications and/or projects related to electrical discipline
3.Ensure the execution of projects adhere to reputable standards quality requirements related to electrical discipline
4.Review and approval of engineering deliverables issued by engineering contractors and/or EPC/Construction contractors related to electrical discipline
5.Involve in basic and detail engineering designs including calculations/analyses of projects specifications  related to electrical discipline
6.Prepare and manage the basic and/or detailed studies of electrical modifications or projects
7.Prepare budget figures relative to electrical discipline
8.Prepare and manage particular electrical studies as requested by Operations

Due Date:
First week of February short-listed of qualified candidates will be invited for a user-interview at Antam Head Office – MOP-PP Project, Tanjung Barat, Jakarta Selatan. Please submit before:2nd of February 2012.

Candidate shall provide his/her expected basic salary to be negotiated. It will be also determined by candidates experience and skill.

More information about Antam please visit: www.antam.com

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fokus Satu Posisi Saat Melamar Pekerjaan

  Jika ada dua jenis lowongan dalam satu perusahaan yang sama, bolehkah
Anda melamar ke dua pekerjaan tersebut sekaligus? Donna Turner, Praktisi
Sumber Daya Manusia Experd, menjelaskan mengenai pilihan ini dalam
rubrik*Q&A ChicNCareer
* majalah *Chic. *

Dona menyarankan, idealnya sebelum mengajukan aplikasi kerja, Anda sudah
tahu posisi yang diinginkan, minimal di area apa. Posisi ini sesuai minat,
keterampilan, potensi, dan latar belakang pendidikan Anda. Hal ini akan
membantu Anda lebih fokus dari awal, mulai dari praseleksi, pascaseleksi,
sampai level Anda diterima bekerja. Makin fokus pada satu posisi kerja,
makin banyak manfaat yang Anda dapat peroleh di antaranya:

*Memudahkan wawancara*
Sebagai kandidat, selama wawancara Anda tidak perlu berusaha "terlalu
keras" menampilkan profil diri sesuai persyaratan posisi pekerjaan
tertentu, karena profil diri Anda secara natural sudah mencukupi, minimal
sudah mendekati rentang skala persyaratan untuk posisi tersebut. Tugas Anda
kemudian adalah menampilkan sisi terbaik dari kualitas diri yang sudah lama
melekat, tidak perlu mencari lagi.

Dalam persiapan wawancara, Anda lebih mudah mengingat kembali pengalaman
kerja lapangan (PKL) yang pernah diikuti semasa kuliah, yang relevan dengan
posisi incaran. Anda juga lebih mudah menelusuri kembali pengalaman
berorganisasi yang relevan dengan kriteria pengalaman manajerial atau
organisasi yang Anda lamar. Bila posisi pekerjaan yang dituju mewakili
minat dan potensi, Anda akan semakin natural saat jalani proses wawancara
seleksi. Untuk wawancara bergaya *behavioral interview*, Anda praktis lebih
siap saat diminta menjelaskan kasus demi kasus pengalaman yang pernah
ditemui saat berorganisasi atau PKL yang relevan dengan posisi yang Anda
Memperlancar jalur karier*
Bila posisi tersebut menawarkan jalur karier manajerial, Anda tinggal
menambah keterampilan manajerial, dan *soft skills* lain yang diperlukan
untuk memperlancar jalan meniti karier, sesuai jalur yang sudah ada sejak
awal, mengingat kompetensi dasar Anda sudah kuat. Anda tidak perlu
mendapatkan pendampingan khusus, *coaching* ekstra, pembinaan tambahan,
untuk tingkatkan kompetensi dasar.

Bila posisi yang ditawarkan membuka peluang jalur karier bagi spesialis,
sesuai minat Anda misalnya, maka Anda tinggal menambah *skills *baru dan
perbanyak jam kerja. Perbanyak penanganan kasus klien, berkaitan dengan
peningkatan, penajaman yang diperlukan bagi pencapaian spesialisasi, sesuai
kebutuhan perusahaan dan klien perusahaan.


Perusahaan Perkebunan PMA yang sedang mengembangkan
perkebunan kelapa sawit dalam skala besar di Kalimantan Timur. Membutuhkan
tenaga kerja yang berdedikasi tinggi, berpengalaman serta berpendidikan, guna
mengisi jabatan sebagai berikut :
(Penempatan : Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria/Wanita, usia
maks. 30 tahun. Pendidikan D3/S1 Pertanian/Perkebunan/Kehutanan, IPK minimum
2.75. Status lajang dan
tidak menikah selama masa pendidikan.Berbadan sehat, dsiplin dan mau bekerja keras.Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi Perusahaan dan menjalani
ikatan dinas.
(Penempatan : Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria/Wanita, usia
maks. 30 tahun. Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik Mesin/Elektro/Kimia, IPK minimum 2.75. Status lajang dan tidak menikah selama
masa pendidikan.Berbadan sehat, disiplin dan mau
bekerja keras.Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi
Perusahaan dan menjalani ikatan dinas.
MANAGER CES/WORKSHOP (Penempatan : Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria, usia 30 – 45 tahun. S1 Teknik Mesin Pengalaman
3 Tahun level majerial (Kepala Workshop).
Dapat mengendalikan aktivitas workshop,
pencapaian target workshop dan
pengendalian spare part.
ASISTEN CES/WORKSHOP (Penempatan : Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria, usia 25 – 35 tahun DIII/S1  Teknik Mesin Pengalaman minimal 2 Tahun di Workshop.
: Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria, usia 30 – 45 tahun. DIII/S1 Teknik Sipil. Pengalaman
5 Tahun sebagai Project Manager pada
proyek jalan, jembatan, dan dermaga. Mampu membuat masterplan infrastruktur operasional baik jaringan jalan, jembatan
serta drainase di areal perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit. Mampu melakukan perawatan
infrastruktur jaringan jalan, jembatan, serta drainase di areal lokasi.
KOORDINATOR MESS (Penempatan : Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria/Wanita, usia 30 – 45 tahun. DIII/S1
Perhotelan/Travel/Tourism. Pengalaman 3 Tahun sebagai Supervisor/Manager
Mess/Hotel. Menguasai administrasi dan operasional mess.
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
STAFF LABORATORIUM (Penempatan : Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria, usia 25 – 35 tahun. DIII/S1 Teknik
Kimia/Analis Kimia. Pengalaman minimal 1 Tahun di lingkungan laboratorium.
ANALIS LABORATORIUM (Penempatan : Estate), Persyaratan :
Pria, usia 25 – 35 tahun. SMK/DIII Analis Kimia. Diutamakan
pengalaman di lingkungan laboratorium.
MANAGER BUSINESS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (Penempatan : Samarinda/Jakarta), Persyaratan :
Pria, usia 30 – 45 tahun. S1  Jurusan Teknik Informatika/Teknik Komputer
atau Sistem Informasi. Diutamakan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun dalam melakukan analisa
dan develop system serta memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik terhadap problem
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
STAFF BUSINESS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (Penempatan : Samarinda/Jakarta), Persyaratan :
Pria, Usia 25 – 35 tahun. S1  Jurusan Teknik Informatika/Teknik Komputer
atau Sistem Informasi. Diutamakan pengalaman minimal 1 tahun. Mampu melakukan
analisa dan develop system. Menguasai database SQL. Menguasai PHP dan VB. Memiliki
analisa yang baik serta problem solving.
STAFF HARDWARE SUPPORT (Penempatan : Samarinda/Jakarta), Persyaratan :
Pria, usia 25 – 35 tahun.DIII/S1 Teknik Informatika/Teknik Komputer/Teknik Elektro.Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun.Menguasai program Window server 2003
& 2008, Linux, Sistem Jaringan (LAN & WAN). Troubelshooting untuk PC, Printer dan Perangkat Jaringan.
STAFF HELPDESK IT (Penempatan : Samarinda/Jakarta), Persyaratan:
Pria, usia 25 – 35 tahun. Lulusan D1/DIII/S1 Teknik
Informatika/Teknik Komputer. Diutamakan pengalaman minimal 1 tahun. Memiliki
pengetahuan dan pengalaman tentang network (LAN, WAN, Wireless). Mempunyai pengalaman analisa sekaligus troubleshoot PC
baik software maupun hardware. Mempunyai pengalaman tentang troubleshooting printer.
Jakarta), Persyaratan : Pria/Wanita, usia 25 – 35 tahun. Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi Informatika.
Pengalaman minimal 3 – 5 tahun dalam mengaplikasikan Sistem ERP (lebih
diutamakan yang pernah bekerja menggunakan sistem ERP multinasional).
FINANCIAL ANALYST - ACCOUNTING (Penempatan Jakarta), Persyaratan :
Pria/Wanita, Usia 25 – 35 tahun.Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi.Pengalaman minimal 3 – 5 tahun Memiliki
pemahaman pengelolaan dan pengembangan perancangan anggaran aset perusahaan
sercara terpadu.Menguasai computer (Microsoft Office).
SUPERVISOR PAJAK, (Penempatan Samarinda), Persyaratan :
Pria. S1 jurusan Perpajakan/Akuntansi. Diutamakan memiliki
sertifikat Brevet A & Brevet B. Pengalaman 3 – 5 tahun menangani
perpajakan. Menguasai jurnal dan mengikuti perkembangan mengenai ketentuan
perpajakan. Ulet, teliti, dan dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun tim.
Menguasai computer (Microsoft Office).
STAFF PAJAK, (Penempatan Samarinda), Persyaratan :
Pria. S1 Akuntansi. Diutamakan yang memiliki sertifikat
Brevet A & Brevet B. Fresh graduate/pengalaman 2 tahun. Menguasai computer
(Microsoft Office).
vitae, pas foto terbaru, fotocopy ijazah, transkip nilai, KTP, sertifikat lain,
dikirimkan melalui alamat e-mail di : menuk.wulandari@rea.co.id. Paling lambat sebelum
tanggal  30 Maret 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lowongan PT Wijaya Karya

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. merupakan perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak dibidang konstruksi dan EPC saat ini sedang

mengembangkan usahanya dibidang pertambangan dan investasi didalam maupun luar negeri.
Sehubungan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan pegawai PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk,saat ini melakukan rekrutmen Management Trainee dan

peserta program Beasiswa dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Latar belakang pendidikan S1 atau sederajat :
- Teknik Sipil
- Teknik Mesin
- Teknik Kimia (Proses)
- Hukum
- Ekonomi Akuntansi
- Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)

2. Fresh Graduate
3. Jenis Kelamin diutamakan pria
4. Usia maksimal 28 tahun
5. IPK minimal 2.75
6. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan ( Nilai setara TOEFL > 450 )
7. Menguasai aplikasi software komputer dibidangnya
8. Mempunyai motivasi, energik dan bisa bekerjasama dalam tim
9. Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan

bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas silakan applly di sini
Selanjutnya silakan kirim dokumen pendukung (Surat lamaran, CV, Foto, dan Scan Skor TOEFL terbaru) ke email: cdcugm2@gmail.com
Subject email : WIKA-Nama Lengkap-Jurusan, contoh : WIKA-Agus Mardiyanto-Teknik Sipil, paling lambat 02 Feberuari 2012

Kesempatan Berkarir di PERUM PERUMNAS

Kami BUMN terkemuka di Indonesia, yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan properti dan kawasan perumahan, mengundang Anda untuk berkarir sebagai:
Staff Profesional
Persyaratan :

A) Diploma 3 (D3) dari Universitas Negeri/Swasta (dengan akreditasi A).
1. Latar belakang pendidikan dari Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Teknik Informatika, Manajemen, Akuntansi, Perpajakan.
2. IPK Min 2,8 (Skala 4).
3. Usia pada 01 Juli 2012 max 23 tahun
4. Enerjik, berdedikasi, dan pekerja keras.
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Perum Perumnas.

B) Sarjana (S1) dan Pasca Sarjana (S2) dari Universitas Negeri/Swasta (dengan akreditasi A)
1. Latar belakang pendidikan dari Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur, Teknik Planologi, Teknik Elektro-Arus Kuat, Teknik Informatika, Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis Administrasi, Marketing, Hukum Perdata/Bisnis.
2. IPK (skala 4) Min 3,0 (untuk S1 non-Teknik), 2,8 (untuk S1 Teknik) dan 3,2 (untuk S2).
3. Usia pada 01 Juli 2012 max 25 tahun untuk S1 dan 27 tahun untuk S2.
4. Enerjik, berdedikasi, dan pekerja keras.
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Perum Perumnas.

Informasi selengkapnya klik di sini

BRI JOB EXPO 2012 Bandung, 31 Januari 2012

PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) Tbk. memberikan kesempatan bagi Putra-Putri terbaik untuk berkarir di BRI melalui :


Kualifikasi :
   1. Sarjana S1/S2 dari Universitas Terkemuka yang Terakreditasi A/B
   2. Untuk PPS Umum lulusan dari Fakultas/ Jurusan : Ekonomi, Hukum, Teknik, Teknologi Pertanian, Psikologi, Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan, Fisipol (Hanya Untuk Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Ilmu Komunikasi, Administrasi Fiskal, Administrasi Niaga, dan Administrasi Negara), MIPA (Hanya untuk jurusan Matematika, Statistika)
   3. Untuk PPS Auditor lulusan dari Fakultas/ Jurusan : Ekonomi, Hukum, Teknik, Pertanian, Fisipol (Hanya Untuk Jurusan Administrasi Fiskal, Administrasi Niaga, dan Administrasi Negara), MIPA (Hanya untuk jurusan Matematika , Statistika)
   4. Untuk PPS IT lulusan dari Fakultas/Jurusan : Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika
   5. IPK S1 minimal 2,75 (PTN), 3,00 (PTS)
   6. IPK S2 minimal 3.25 dengan ketentuan IPK S.1 min. 2,75 (PTN) & 3,00 (PTS)
   7. Berusia max. 27 tahun (untuk lulusan S1), dan max. 30 tahun (untuk lulusan S2)
   8. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi.
   9. Belum Menikah & Bersedia Tidak Menikah sampai dengan 1 (satu) tahun sejak diangkat sebagai pekerja tetap BRI.
  10. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja BRI
  11. Bersedia menandatangani Surat Perjanjian dengan BRI apabila dinyatakan diterima sebagai peserta PPS BRI

Bagi para pelamar yang berminat, dapat hadir diacara BRI JOB EXPO Bandung 2012 di Gedung Serba Guna (GSG) Kampus ITB, Jl. Ganesha No 10 Bandung, Tgl. 31 Januari 2012 Pkl.09.00 WIB s/d 14.00 WIB dengan membawa Foto Berwarna terbaru ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar. Formulir hanya akan diberikan di lokasi JOB EXPO.


PT. Technip

Posisi Beberapa Posisi
TECHNIP is a leading provider of Engineering, Technologies and Construction services for oil and gas, petrochemical, refinery and mining industries.
Technip has been present in Indonesia for more than 10 years, servicing the Indonesian oil and gas, petrochemical and general Industrial sectors. We are actively involved in offshore and onshore field development, gas processing, refining, mining and other growth market industries.

As part of our business expansion in Indonesia, we are seeking highly qualified professionals to fill in position:


Technical Requirements:
●    Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in Mining Industries or Minimum 5 years working experience in the Engineering Services. Candidate with more than 6 years relevant experience can be considered for Senior position
●    Familiar with international Codes and Standards.
●    Conversant with relevant engineering software, such as PDS or PDMS, and AutoCAD

General Requirements:
●    Possesses an Engineering Drafting Certificate Diploma or equivalent
●    Should possesses good communication skills in English
●    Computer literate with good operating knowledge of Microsoft Office


Technical Requirements:
●    Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in Mining Industries or Minimum 5 years working experience in the Engineering Services. Candidate with more than 6 years relevant experience can be considered for Senior position
●    Familiar with international Codes and Standards.
●    Conversant with relevant engineering software, such as PDS or PDMS, and AutoCAD

General Requirements:
●    Possesses an Engineering Degree from a reputable university with good GPA
●    Should possesses good communication skills in English
●    Computer literate with good operating knowledge of Microsoft Office

Technical Requirements:
●    Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in Mining Industries or Minimum 5 years working experience in the Engineering Services. Candidate with more than 6 years relevant experience can be considered for Senior position
●    Familiar with international Codes and Standards.
●    Conversant with relevant engineering software, such as PDS or PDMS, and AutoCAD

General Requirements:
●    Possesses an Engineering Drafting Certificate Diploma or equivalent
●    Should possesses good communication skills in English
●    Computer literate with good operating knowledge of Microsoft Office


Technical Requirements:
●    Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in Mining Industries or Minimum 5 years working experience in the Engineering Services. Candidate with more than 6 years relevant experience can be considered for Senior position
●    Familiar with international Codes and Standards.
●    Conversant with relevant engineering software, such as PV-Elite, TANK or COMPRESS

General Requirements:
●    Possesses an Engineering Degree from a reputable university with good GPA
●    Should possesses good communication skills in English
●    Computer literate with good operating knowledge of Microsoft Office


Technical Requirements:
●    Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in Mining Industries or Minimum 5 years working experience in the Engineering Services. Candidate with more than 6 years relevant experience can be considered for Senior position
●    Familiar with international Codes and Standards.
●    Conversant with relevant engineering software, such as PDS or PDMS, and AutoCAD

General Requirements:
●    Possesses an Engineering Drafting Certificate Diploma or equivalent
●    Should possesses good communication skills in English
●    Computer literate with good operating knowledge of Microsoft Office


Technical Requirements:
●    Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in Mining Industries or Minimum 5 years working experience in the Engineering Services. Candidate with more than 6 years relevant experience can be considered for Senior position
●    Familiar with international Codes and Standards.
●    Conversant with relevant engineering software, STAAD Pro (for Civil Engineer)
General Requirements:
●    Possesses an Engineering Degree from a reputable university with good GPA
●    Should possesses good communication skills in English
●    Computer literate with good operating knowledge of Microsoft Office
For more information click here
Batas Pengiriman 30 Januari 2012
Kategori Lowongan Arsitektur dan Desain Kreatif

PT. Asuransi MSIG

Posisi Beberapa Posisi
We are one of the larges joint venture general insurance company in Indonesia with global network in Asia Pacific and having 7 bracnh and representative offices in indonesia with products of fire insurance, motor vehicle, industrial insurance, etc, is seeking candidate for the following position :
CLAIM SURVEYOR and ADMINISTRATION (For Semarang Representative Office)
With the following qualification:
- Maximum 35 years old
- Minimum education is D3 Degree (Min GPA : 2.5)
- Fresh graduate who is still the graduation is allowed to apply
- Fluent in English both verbal and written
- Computer literate of Microsoft Office with in : ermediate skill level
- Having driving licenses A and C
- Hard worker and able to work under tight schedule

Qualified candidates are encouraged to send their resume ib English attaching CV, copy of all education certificates and a recent photo 4 x 6 color, within 2 weeks by email/fax/post to PT Asuransi MSIG Indonesia with the following detail :

For more infoemation click here
Batas Pengiriman 30 Januari 2012
Kategori Lowongan Keuangan - Akuntansi dan Perbankan

PT. Tigaraksa Satria

Posisi Management Trainee
Keterangan PT. Tigaraksa Satria, Tbk was initially established in 1987. The Company is engaged in the business of sales and distribution in a nation wide scale, apart from that the company also engaded in other businesses thought its business units and subsidiaries. Currently, activities run by the Company through its bussiness unit and subsidiaries are Consumer Products, Educational Books, Kitchen Appliances, and Dry Milk Manufacture. Our vision is to be the most innovative sales and distribution company, ensuring every Indonesian has access to life essentials. Nowadayas, we provide avenues to grow for our trade channels and principals. Among our principals are PT Sari Husada, PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera, PT Wyeth Indonesia, PT 3M Indonesia, etc.

To anticipate the company rapid growth & expansion, we are looking for candidates who desire to grow with us as :

For more information please click here
Batas Pengiriman 30 Januari 2012
Kategori Lowongan Penjualan

PT. Mahadana Dasha Utama - Experd

Posisi Beberapa
Keterangan PT. Mahadana Dasha Utama

Qualifications :
- Fresh graduate or having maximum 2 yesrs working experience
- Min. GPA 3.00 (Bachelor Degree) or 3.50 (Master Degree)
- Min TOEFL score 550
- Exhibit High Personal Integrity and Values
- Actively involved in Campus Organization
- Good Interpersonal Skill and Team Worker
- Creative, Proactive, and Love Challenges

Apply online at: http://jobs.experd.com/mahadasha

For more information click here
Batas Pengiriman 25 Januari 2012
Kategori Lowongan Manufacture

PT. Komatsu Remanufacturing Asia

Posisi Beberapa Posisi
Keterangan PT. Komatsu Remanufacturing Asia

Due to rapid growth of our company business, we have to fulfill the increasing needs of Human Resource.  By The following information, we would like to announce Job Vacancy 2012 for some position, as follows :
General Requirements :
-Max. age 25 years (D3) and 27 (S1)
-Male fol all positios (Female for Quality Inspector)
-Good Verbal and Written communication Skill in the English language
-Good interpersonal skills, with the ability to forge productive working relationships
-Personal motivation, self learning ability and good presentation skills
-Ability to cope in a positive and productive manner within a high-pressure environment,while handling a large amount of detail as expected in large Prejects with aggresive schedules
-Able to work on own initiative and within a team

For interest person who meets the requirements, please write your
application letter and update CV in english and forward by yourself to:
kesma@undip.co.id or pd4@polines.ac.id or pd4polines@yahoo.com before 24
January 2012.

Or send to:
Kabag Kesma Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH Tembalang - Semarang

For more information please click here
Batas Pengiriman 24 Januari 2012
Kategori Lowongan Manufacture


Mitrais is a leading international IT company.

In Indonesia we have offices in Bali, Jakarta and Bandung.

If you are energetic, committed, and confident and in need of a new experience working away from the hustle and bustle of a big city, we invite you to join our team of 200 software engineers to work in a challenging and highly advanced software engineering environment located in Kuta and Sanur, Bali.
We are inviting Fresh Graduates with relevant degree (Bachelor/S1) in IT to join us as Junior Programmers. A formal Induction Program will be provided. We also grant relocation allowances including airfare for employees recruited outside Bali. All promotions are based on merit following our Competency System.

We encourage you to apply, should you meet the following requirements: minimum GPA of 2.8, intermediate level of English proficiency.
Your application of interest to join the intake should be submitted to our online recruitment systems at http://careers.mitrais.com and apply for the Fresh Graduate position.
Closing Dates of Application & Interview Schedule:
Closing Date of Application
3 February 2012
Programming test delivery
6 February 2012
Test & Interview
15-17 February 2012
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by phone/email and will receive recruitment process information and programming test guidelines via email. Successful candidates will be invited for an interview and for additional tests either in our office.

General Conditions for the position:   

  1. Competitive Salary.
  2. All promotions are based on merit and are based on our Competency System.
  3. Opportunity for travel to client sites in Indonesia and overseas.
  4. Attractive Relocation Allowance to Bali as well as Annual Return Airfares will be provided.
  5. Opportunity for relocation to Bandung office after 1 year of service.
  6. The Software Engineer Graduate Program Program will start in Bali on 26 March 2012.

About Mitrais:

Mitrais is an IT company with three lines of business. It provides outsourced software development services to clients in a many industry verticals. It sells and supports mining industry software and has specialized domain knowledge of mining. It develops and sells the Mitrais Medical System (MMS), a comprehensive primary health care system. Founded in 2000 Mitrais employs more than 300 staff in offices in Indonesia, Australia and Singapore. For further information visit www.mitrais.com.


Management Trainee (MT)

GlaxoSmithKline is one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. Headquartered in the UK, we are a global organisation with offices in over 100 countries and major research centres in the UK, USA, Belgium and China. We have a challenging and inspiring mission: to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. This mission gives us the purpose to develop innovative medicines and products that help millions of people around the world. Our Consumer Healthcare business unit brings a variety of dental health products and over-the-counter medicines to millions of Indonesian people. Sensodyne, Panadol, Actifed, Insto and Scott's Emulsion are some of the strong and trusted brands in each category that we own as we aim to become a truly global, Fast Moving Consumer Healthcare company driven by science and values that helps more people do more, feel better and live longer.
We are currently looking for highly talented individuals to join our Management Trainee Program focusing in the Sales area. It's a 6 months development program which will equip the selected individuals to become world-class talents in the GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Sales Organization.

The traineeship journey begins with the GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare business overview, product knowledge and relevant technical knowledge as well as hard skills and soft skills training. The traineeship will be conducted in Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang & Medan. This journey will provide visibility and real-life experience in a Sales organization.

Reviews will be conducted twice along the traineeship. During these reviews, our Management Trainees will need to present their learning experiences in front of the Management Trainee Review Board. Mid-term Review will be conducted on the 3rd month of the traineeship program and final presentation will take place on the 6th month.

Along this 6 month development program, our Management Trainees will be mentored by our senior and highly experienced area sales leaders. A buddy system will also be established between the Management Trainees with our previous Management Trainee graduates (now working as the Territorial Sales Supervisor with GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare).
Upon successful passing of the program, The Management Trainees will hold the position of Territory Sales Supervisor or Key Account Executive.

Territory Sales Supervisor will be act as GSK representative to lead and manage at least one designated Distributor to achieve GSK objectives. He/She will actively work with the Distributor team, by providing sales direction, setting up the business plan, managing Distributor sales team with main objective of increasing distribution of GSK products in specific territory by implementing market development plan from Commercial Marketing. He/She will also be responsible to ensure Distributor profitability as GSK Business partner, which means actively having regular business review with Distributor Management team.

Key Account Executive is responsible to develop Business Opportunity and Alignment with selected potential Moden Trade (MT) Independent Customers and Key Account Customers. Achieve fair Trading Term variable to fit and suit market condition and manage Trade Spend Investment within MT Independent Customers effectively & efficiently through leading and managing the achievement of the sales out and merchandising objectives within the assigned region in line with agreed targets and brand/trade marketing programs.

Requirements :
  1. Graduates from Reputable University with min. GPA 3.0
  2. Max. 27 years old
  3. Excellent communication in both Indonesian and English (written and verbal)
  4. Computer Literate
  5. Willing to be placed and relocated anywhere in Indonesia
  6. Contracted for 2 years
If you meet the above requirements please send your application to :

Please indicate our reference code in the subject header of your email. All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality and only short-listed candidates will be notified.

PT Larona Prima Solusi


LARONA SOLUTION adalah penyedia jasa aplikasi Accounting System dan Konsultan Manajemen. Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga professional dan berkualitas  untuk posisi

•    Pria / Wanita, Max 30 thn
•    Min. lulusan D3/S1 jurusan Komputer Akuntansi dengan IPK min. 3.0
•    Memiliki keahlian di bidang perpajakan
•    Mampu membuat laporan keuangan dan pajak
•    Memiliki keahlian dalam mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
•    Terbuka bagi Fresh Graduate
•    Memiliki kemampuan manajemen waktu yang baik
•    Disiplin, teliti & bertanggungjawab

•    Pria / Wanita, Max 30 thn
•    Min. lulusan D3/S1 jurusan Manajemen Informatika dengan IPK min. 3.0
•    Memiliki keahlian di bidang Akunting, IT & sistem informasi

•    Lulusan S1/D3 dari semua jurusan TIK (teknologi informasi & komputer)
•    Memiliki nilai akademik yang baik dengan IPK minimal 3.0
•    Menguasai PHP & MySQL.
•    Menguasai sistem operasi Linux & Windows
•    Menguasai jaringan komputer & wireless LAN

Bagi yang berminat & memenuhi kriteria silakan kirim lamaran & CV  via email ke larona_solution@hotmail.com 

Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Abata


Kami sebuah lembaga pendidikan Islam yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan segera beberapa orang untuk ditempatkan menjadi:

1.    Guru SD, persyaratan:
a.    S1 MIPA/Teknik dengan IPK ≥ 3,00
b.    Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dengan nilai TOEFL ≥ 450
c.    Mampu membaca Al Qur'an dengan baik
d.    Memiliki wawasan Islam yang baik
e.    Tidak merokok
f.    Berbusana muslimah (wanita)
g.    Pembelajar cepat dan mampu bekerja sama
h.    Siap untuk ditingkatkan kemampuannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan lembaga

2.    IT Support, persyaratan:
a.    Minimal D3 Teknik Informatika dengan IPK ≥ 3,00
b.    Pria, maksimal 25 tahun
c.    Menguasai PHP & Networking
d.    Diutamakan menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan nilai TOEFL ≥ 450
e.    Pembelajar cepat dan mampu bekerja sama
f.    Siap untuk ditingkatkan kemampuannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan lembaga
g.    Tidak merokok

kirim via email ke:
Informasi dapat lihat di www.exissabata.com

CIMB Group

"Sukses Bersama Kami"

Bergabung dengan  Perusahaan Pembiayaan  Milik
CIMB Group
Kami membuka kesempatan bagi Rekan-rekan muda profesional untuk dapat bergabung dan sukses bersama team kami dan untuk menempati beberapa posisi.

  1. Pria, Usia maks 30 tahun, Sehat,
  2. Lulusan min S1 segala jurusan, Menguasai MS Office,
  3. Berpengalaman min. 1 tahun di Multifinance\ Perbankan dengan  track record baik (Menjadi nilai tambah)
  4. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik,
  5. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (motor) dan SIM C
  6. Menyukai tantangan dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan.

  1. Pria, Usia maks 28 tahun, Sehat,
  2. Lulusan min D3 segala jurusan, Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  3. Berpengalaman min.1 Th diFinance\Perbankan dengan  track record baik (Menjadi nilai tambah)
  4. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (motor) dan SIM C
  5. Target oriented, jujur, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik, pantang menyerah
  6. Menyukai tantangan dan Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah kerja perusahaan

  1. Pria, Usia maks 28 tahun, Sehat,
  2. Lulusan min D3 segala jurusan, Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  3. Berpengalaman min.1 Th diFinance\Perbankan dengan  track record baik (Menjadi nilai tambah)
  4. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (motor) dan SIM C
  5. Target oriented, jujur, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik, pantang menyerah
  6. Menyukai tantangan dan Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah kerja perusahaan

Kirim lamaran lengkap langsung beserta lokasi penempatan ke: recruitment@niagafinance.com


PT. New Ratna Motor merupakan salah satu dari 5 jaringan utama PT. Toyota Astra Motor yang merupakan Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek Toyota di Indonesia dalam memasarkan produk Toyota untuk wilayah Jateng & DIY melalui Jaringan Nasmoco Group.
Tingkat Lulus: Diploma
Jurusan: Semua Jurusan
  • Pria / wanita Sangat tertarik di bidang penjualan
  • Ulet, dinamis, terampil berkomunikasi, berpenampilan menarik
  • Bersedia di tempatkan pada wilayah Jateng & DIY
  1. Bagi yang melamar s/d tanggal 7 Februari 2012 maka dapat melihat pengumuman lolos seleksi administrasi pada tanggal 9 Februari 2012 di web. ECC. Tes akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 – 15 Februari 2012.
    • Pelamar MT : Tes Walk Interview
    • Pelamar All Position : Tes Tertulis
  2. Mohon semua pelamar membawa CV pada saat tes
  3. Bagi yang melamar setelah tanggal 7 Februari 2012 maka tes akan dilaksanakan di perusahaan dan untuk yang lolos seleksi pemanggilan lewat telpon.

Vacancy various Positions

We are Mining Company and
Services which has been rapidly growing in the last few years, located in South Jakarta and Mine location at East
Kalimantan. DEWATA has a vision to be a place for nation's best people to
contribute their ultimate performance for the country. Due to achieve our
dreams, we are seeking high qualified candidates to join our dynamic working
environment. If you are a motivated and high achiever person, should you come
and join us to be:

* Bachelor degree on Geology / Mining from reputable University
* Age maximum 30 years old
* At least 3 years in relevant experience at Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE), preferable at mining  area
* Having strong ability to utilize MS Office Software (MS Word, Excel & PowerPoint), preferable Corel Draw
* Fluent written and spoken English
*  Trained and certified HSE/K3 is an advantage
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Good communication skill to convince and lead people
man Supervisor
·         Male, age max 35 th
·         Having minimum 3 years experience at Mining area
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )  from reputable university
* Willing to be placed at Kalimantan Timur (Sangasanga/Muara Kaman)
* Strong personality, leadership and communication
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Inventory storage fuel at Site
* Activity improvement and CRP
* Understanding Safety (K3)
* Controlling and help Foreman - Operator in doing their jobs
- Degree
* Male/female
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )  from reputable university
* Age maxs 35 th
*  Having minimum 1year experience in exploration and mining industry

*   Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

*   Hands on operating MAP Info and AUTOCAD

*   Understanding safety procedure (K3)

* Able to work  under pressure

*   Willing to be placed at Kalimantan Timur (sanga sanga/Muara Kaman)
* Male/female
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )
* Having minimum 1 year experience at mining industry
* GPA Min. 2,75
*   Understanding safety procedure (K3
* Fresh Graduates may also apply
* English (written and spoken) min passive
* Bachelor degree (S1), Majoring with related position ( Mine Engineering / Geology Engineering )
* Male/female, age max 40
* Having minimum 3 years of working experience as " Kepala Teknik Tambang "/Site Manager at mining area
* Having certificate POU ( SERTIFIKAT KTT )
*  Having good understanding of mining operations
* Good knowledge about spare part/heavy equipments
*   Understanding safety procedure (K3)
* Fluent written and spoken English
* Strong personality, leadership and communication
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Able to make monthly report (triwulan, RKAB/RKTTL)
* Willing to be placed at Kalimantan Timur (sangasanga/Muara Kaman)

·         Bachelor Degree of LAW, from
reputable university
·         GPA minimum 2,75
·         Minimum experience 2 years from the
same field
·         Preferably
MALE, age between 25 - 35 years
·         Having good Integrity, Creative and
·         Self Driven, able to work with team,
good communication skills
·         Willing to be located
in Samarinda with rooster system

·       Bachelor Degree of LAW, from
reputable university
·       Having
minimum 3 years of working experience as Legal Manager at Mining area or in law
·       Male/female min 30 th
·       Expertise at civil law, Business law
and Mining law
·       Fluent written and spoken English
·       Strong personality, leadership and communication
·       Having good skill in team work, mature, able to
work under pressure
·        Good knowledge of corporate law, including law
documents preparation, litigation, employment regulation, contract regulation,
·       Have experiences to reviewing and providing
advice on various legal documentations and contracts
·         Bachelor Degree of
forestry/environmental engineering from reputable university
* Preferably having certificate POP
* Having experience min 2 years at same position (Environmental management)
* Knowing and understanding government regulation about Environmental management related to mining industry
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Able to perform identification and give recommendation in case contamination happened
* Accustomed to reporting and work planning a systematic remedy internal and external documentation
* Willing to be located in Kalimantan Timur (sangasanga/Muara Kaman) with rooster cycle

Finance & Accounting Staff
·         Male, age max. 25 years old
* Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable University, fresh graduate are welcome
* Have related working experience min. 2 years (in mining company would be advantages)
* Have knowledge in General Accounting such as Account Receivable/ Account Payable/ General Ledger/ Tax
* Computer literate (Ms. Word, Excel, computerized accounting system)
* Accurate, details, responsible, disciplined and able to work under pressure
Admin Finance
* Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable University, fresh graduate are welcome
* Male, age max. 30 years old

* Have related working experience min. 2 years
* Have good knowledge in Accounting flow
* Expert in Ms. Office program (Word, Excel) and accounting system
* Accurate, details, responsible, disciplined and able to work under pressure
Relation & General Affair Manager
* S1, Preferable from Law, Certified HR Professional
* 10 years at Human resources R, 3 years structural positions
* Understanding of Labour Law
* Knowledge Industrial Dispute & Government Regulation
* In depth knowledge of company personal policies and procedure and related employment law
* Knowledge asset management
* Having good skill in team work, mature, able to work under pressure
* Building Positive Working relationship, Communication Skills, Negotiation Skills
Development Specialist

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
* Required skill(s): hands on delivering Training Need Analysis - Training Plan - Training Program and Training Evaluation, Talent Management, Knowledge Management, Competency Gap Analysis.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.Please send your
complete resume and recent photograph to recruitment@dewata.co.id or ira@dewata.co.id  February 4th 2012 by the latest. Please put
position applied as an email subject.